Quinnie’s school always has a themed “end of the school year party” right before summer break for the students and their families. The kids are very involved in planning the party with their teachers and parents- months of preparation go into it.
This year the theme was “Handwerker” (Crafts People). It was amazing. Every classroom was dedicated to a different profession that works with their hands. I didn’t realize how cool it would be, so I’d only brought my iPhone. Actually, I would have felt like a jerk breaking out my big camera because it was SO CROWDED- but it would have been worth it, because these pics just don’t do it justice. Oh well- lesson learned!
One room had a Bakery where the kids could make bread from scratch.
grinding flour for bread
Quinnie and friends mixing ingredients
Finished product. They were delicious!
A room all about Stamping
They are carving/making homemade stamps out of potatoes!
Potato stamp Art!
weaving on a wheel
Learning how circuits work
Learning about different kinds of plants. If you could guess what 5 of the plants were you got to take one home!
wool felting
Making Art with photo-sensitive paper (results below)!
Quinnie’s favorite was making Flip-Flops from scratch!
Quinnie and Irma excited about their Flip-Flops
the finished product
Hair Stylist station. The popular thing here was to get “crazy hair”- spiky and crazy neon colored temporary spray.
There was a whole floor dedicated to food which was all provided by the parents. The amount of food was incredible. I only got 2 pics though because it was so crowded I couldn’t even turn around…
Kiera collected the food flags. She’s very into flags right now since they’ve been learning at school about different countries having different flags.
Jewelry making
purse making/sewing
handmade purse
We missed the Flute concert (lots of students take lessons at school), as well as a dance show that was performed by some of the students.
They had a room dedicated to carpentry. Both of the girls had a blast there, but Kiera LOVED it. She spent most of the party there. I am sad to say that they were the only girls in that room every time we were there (which was a lot).
Kiera spent hours just hammering nails into wood over and over..
You would think she’s eventually get bored- but no. They pretty much had to kick us out when the party was over!
My little Handwerkerin!
I looked out the window and saw that some kids had gotten a Fußball game going..
It was an amazing party- can’t wait to see what the theme is next year! We LOVE this school!!