St. Martin’s Day 2014

Another shabbily documented holiday! Oh well- I’ll give you what I’ve got…

The girls love St. Martin’s Day. Especially all the time spent at school creating their lanterns and learning the Sankt Martin songs.


Kiera proudly showing off the lantern she made at school with Papa (close-ups below).


getting ready for the procession around the park (while singing Sankt Martin songs)




Bonfire time! Sorry for the grainy photos- only had my iPhone with me.



Sankt Martin!



After the school celebrations our neighbor Achim organized for all the kids in our apartment building to go door to door singing Sankt Martin songs with their lanterns (with the hopes of getting candy!). The kids got some great loot- especially at the local kiosks (corner stores) and restaurants. Short video of them singing below…


Here’s my more in-depth post about Saint Martin’s day from last year.

Fall/ Halloween 2014


You can tell we’d just moved (and our lives were in chaos) by how badly I documented Halloween and Fall (my favorite season no less!). The few meager photos in this post are pretty much all I have to show for it.

Halloween was kind of a bust this year again. We have yet to find anything really fun here that comes close to Halloween in America. On the bright side, we have St. Martin’s and Karneval, so that kind of makes up for it. Though it still makes me a bit sad the girls aren’t experiencing Halloween like I did growing up.

This year for Halloween we went to Bubenheim. I wrote a previous post about that kid paradise here. They stayed open late into the evening for Halloween and had a few live performers. Otherwise, it was just regular Bubenheim but open later with people in costumes.

These fire performers put on a good show. The music is Rammstein. I think the German language suits this kind of music perfectly!



Quinnie with her “Spooky Slush” drink.

The girls love the cartoon Scooby Doo (one of my favorites as a kid also!). The other day Quinnie came to find me in the office after watching an episode. She looked sort of worried and ask me, “Mama, would you still love me if I was spookified?” She was totally serious. Kids are the best comic relief sometimes…

I’ll leave you with the few Fall pics I have. Grandma gave the girls this great book about Fairy Houses (below). Quinnie and her friend Matilda were inspired to create a few of their own at the park.


