First Snow!

This winter we finally got some snow! I can’t tell you how excited we all were- especially since we didn’t get any in Köln last year. We spent most of the day outdoors because we knew it wouldn’t last.


Quinnie catching snowflakes on her tongue /  Ella making snowballs




We randomly ran into our old friend Jens and his daughter after not seeing him for about 15 years! They decided to come sledding with us when the kids were done building snowmen.



On our way to the Herkulesberg to go sledding. It’s also called Mont Klamott (roughly translates to “mountain of stuff”). After WW2 most of the rubble (LOTS of rubble- Köln was almost completely destroyed) was brought to this area (Mont Klamott is the largest of eleven such hills). It’s a popular sledding place now. Simon came here as a child also.




The snow saucers from Santa sure came in handy!



Time to head home


It was a beautiful, magical day.


Kiera’s 6th Birthday!

Oh man. I can’t believe how few pictures I have of Kiera’s birthday. I shouldn’t be surprised really- I was barely hanging on after the last few months we’d had (a move, all of our birthdays, hosting guests, Christmas, etc.). I still feel badly though. We’ll make it up to you next year Kiera!

We have these party hats in about 10 different colors, and by the end of the day she’d worn them all. She LOVES them. She also loved this airplane she’s opening (if you can’t tell by the look on her face!). The finger flashlights from Grandma were a big hit also.


Kiera’s teachers made her this birthday crown

She wanted the same cake that I made Quinnie for her birthday. /  I love that she’s wearing her favorite dragon shirt with the necklace that Opa bought her in India.

We love you SO much Kierie Blue!!