Sleepover and Easter Prep

One of Quinnie’s best friends is Antonia. They’re in the same class at school, and desk mates. Anto (as her friends call her) really helped Quinnie a lot when we first moved here and Quinnie didn’t speak, read, or write German. Quinnie caught up very fast, and that’s partly due to Anto’s help. They were ecstatic when I said they could finally have a sleepover now that we were finally unpacked from our move. They had a blast!



The girls found these snails outside their after school program, and were thrilled when I said they could bring them home with us.



coming out of their shells!


Playing “school”. They were the teachers- stuffed animals were the students.


I bought them some fruit flavored licorice rope. They braided bracelets out of them (and then ate them off their wrists, of course!).


The next morning I woke up to their “surprise Easter Breakfast”, complete with Easter decorations everywhere.



even the curtains were decorated..




Kiera loses her first tooth!

About six weeks after her sixth birthday, Kiera lost her first tooth! Just like her sister, Kiera’s teeth come in like a shark’s- one set right behind the other.


see what I mean?


When I saw the shark teeth I knew what was coming, so we started reading some of our tooth books to prepare.


One night while Kiera was in bed I heard her casually exclaim, “Finally! My tooth is out!” She’d been wiggling it for days. She was SO proud!



Kiera checking out her new smile. Quinnie is in the background desperately searching for a loose tooth so she can get some of the attention!


proudly showing Ella her tooth (kept in her special “tooth box”)


Kiera doesn’t seem to have any of the same hangups as her sister as far as wiggling loose teeth and losing her teeth. She’s a cool customer- totally laid back about it. At first she said she wanted the Tooth Fairy to come, but then Quinnie convinced her that her teeth are more precious than anything the Tooth Fairy could bring. So she decided to keep it forever in her fancy tooth box.

I can’t believe what a big girl my baby is becoming.