Kiera decided that this year she wanted a dragon themed birthday party at home, with friends.

The night before, she and Quinnie helped me make one of her two birthday cakes (mostly because they wanted to eat batter).

dragon cake- she was thrilled!

The morning of her birthday she got to open one present right away. She’d been asking for this mermaid tail for months- ever since she saw a girl swimming in one at the pool. She LOVED it. Just look at her smiling at her refection in the mirror…

Of course Quinnie wanted to try it on also!

Dragon tablecloth with her presents. The pile of papers in front is all of the many different dragons she’s drawn the past few months (but that’s a whole other post!).

Papa getting some of the dragon art projects ready

She loved this dragon balloon we got her (FYI-helium balloons are way more expensive here than in the States).

showing friends her mermaid tail.

finally opening presents!

She got MANY more dragons to add to her collection..

..and an awesome dragon book

She was SO happy to see Selim, her old KiTa friend again!

the older girls escaped to the top bunk and pulled up the ladder

Quinnie was so happy that she got to light the candles and carry the cake this year.
In the video above I’d told Kiera that since she blew out all her candles, her wish would come true. The look of delight on her face is so sweet.
Later I asked her what she’d wished for. She said, “that I could REALLY be able to fly!” OOPS! By the way, she had the same wish last year, along with “never-ending frozen yogurt that doesn’t get rotten (lol!).”

Then we headed outside for a candy- filled dragon piñata. Look at Quinnie’s face- lol! Get it girl!!

and more giant bubbles…

I swear- the best 15 euros I’ve ever spent- this thing is ALWAYS a big hit with the kids!

After all the kids left, Oma, Opa, Ruth and Maxim came over to celebrate.

Papa was still wearing his princess birthday hat (lol!).

Second birthday cake of the day. Kiera told me it had to be “just like Quinnie’s” from her birthday a few weeks before.

big sister duties

whenever she’s really happy or embarrassed she covers her face

Happy Birthday Kierie-Blue! We hope your birthday was all that you’d hoped it would be. We love you SO much!!