Right after we moved to Germany, Oma gave Quinnie her first Strick-Liesel. Lots of kids in German grow up using them (Simon even had one!). Oma taught Quinnie how to use it, and she quickly became obsessed. I don’t know how to knit, so thank goodness for Oma!
Here’s a How-To Strick-Liesel video (in German)
Oma has since taught Quinnie how to knit with all sorts of needles and looms. We have 3 big baskets full of yarn and other knitting paraphernalia.
knitting on the subway (wearing a scarf knitted by Oma)
knitting in a restaurant
I even caught her knitting in the bathtub!
knitting in heels (lol!)
She’s pretty resourceful when she can’t find her needles…