Last summer we got to spend almost 6 weeks in New Hampshire at my parent’s house. It was SO nice to be back in America. The girls absolutely loved our visit and it did my heart good to see them make some great memories with our family and friends there. We’ll be visiting again for 5 weeks this summer, and the girls are beyond excited. They ask me at least once a week, “How many more days until America?”
Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Isn’t it charming?
apple tree!
One of the best things about summers in America? Cousin time! Madeline and Audrey (my bother’s kids) spent almost 2 weeks with us last summer and will again this summer. It was so great to get the cousins together for that amount of time. They had a BLAST.
Another favorite thing? GERTIE. Our animal obsessed girls are absolutely in love with my parent’s dog. Poor Gertie is quite old, and I’m sure would like to be left alone, but is very sweet and tolerates their excessive love and attention. Here they are giving Gertie pillows and wrapping her up so she won’t get cold (even though it was about 85 degrees)…
Another favorite thing about Grandma and Grandpa’s place? The yard! Our city girls were quite taken aback that the whole yard was their own private wonderland to play in. They spent hours upon hours outside- so much nature to explore! My parents sometimes get bears and moose and foxes in their backyard. They’ve had quite a few tall bird feeders bent in half by bears! Then there was the time their neighbor’s pig got into the house (lol!)…
trying to make Gertie do circus tricks
Aunt Jenny even bought them some bikes to use during their visit!
Another highlight? Toasting marshmallows and making S’mores. Believe it or not, it was Quinnie and Kiera’s first time! It’s hard to find marshmallows, Graham Crackers, and Hershey’s Chocolate in Germany (in fact, I’ve never found the last two). Sure, you could use another kind of chocolate, but what’s the point without the other two ingredients?! There were quite a few nights when S’mores were on the menu for dessert, much to the girls’ delight.
For non-Americans who are reading this, first you toast the marshmallow over the fire until it’s hot and gooey, then you put it between layers of Graham Cracker with chocolate on it. It all melts together nicely and is very yummy (and messy!).
Kiera and Audrey
Quinnie and Audrey
Another favorite thing? Sparklers!!!
Grandma is always so good about having lots of Art supplies around since all 4 of her Grandkids are very artisitic
I ordered these Make Your Own Plate kits for them. I remember making these when I was their age and loving it. You draw your own picture on this special paper and then send it in, and the company makes it into a plate for you. My Mom said they turned out great- we’ll see them this summer. The girls will make new ones every summer- a new tradition!
The girls LOVE baking with Grandma. Favorites last summer were cinnamon rolls, strawberry shortcake, and blueberry crumble.
Grandpa did LOTS of delicious BBQ-ing for us.
We all loved eating in the screened in porch most nights.
That porch is one of my Happy Places. I love sitting out there and reading for hours.
I especially love reading my Mom’s magazines since I don’t read any magazines all year (since they’re all in German and that just feels like more homework).
Audrey relaxing on the porch
lots of quiet corners to retreat to
The girls made up this silly song about two of their favorite things- Gertie and Sarsaparilla Rootbeer (no Rootbeer in Germany either).