My sister Jenny and her husband Kevin hosted a wonderful family get-together/ surprise early birthday party for Grandpa. With our far-flung family, these get-togethers don’t happen very often, so it was really special.

Jenny and Kevin’s beautiful home in the woods

Kevin with Audrey and Kiera

me and my Sis
Grandma and Grandpa

Grandpa and Ed (my brother)

The girls with Gertie and Barley (Madeline and Audrey’s dog). Side note- Kiera’s face (lol)!
luckily the fake mustaches cheered her up..
Aunt Jenny and Uncle Kev know how to host- lobster and steak for everybody!

Unfortunately we found out later that Kiera fed Gertie her weight in steak (she got sick). But it was because she loves her so much… Oh well, lesson learned.

Piñata Time! Birthday boy first..

Aunt Amy trying to wrangle the chaos..

Lots of candy treats inside. The piñata also made for some nice hats/ hair decorations..

making Fairy Houses

Playing Cornhole

their property is so peaceful

Kevin grows his own hops!
End of the night Bonfire. What a great day. Thanks again Jenny and Kevin! You guys are the best!