For all of you normal people, rellies = relatives.
My Mom’s side of the family is famous for renaming things. And it’s catching- even our spouses start using these made up words (including Simon). Just a few examples… Robiekanobie = Bathrobe, Uppy-tair = Upstairs, Doc = Popcorn, Shoo Shoo Nigh Nigh = go to bed, Chichy = Chicken, Breaky = Breakfast, and the list goes on… Everybody has a nickname also. My Mom (Marlaine) is called Mame, her brother Greg is called Plopy. Her brother Gary is called Geebo…
My Mom is the oldest of five children, and lots of our rellies from her side of the family still live in Upstate NY (where I was born and lived until I was 5). We decided to make the 6 hour drive there (from NH) to visit everyone. Most of them hadn’t even met Kiera yet!
We had a blast. It was so great to catch up with everybody. When my Mom and her siblings get together, they’re hilarious. I mean, tears running down your face funny. I love hearing all the stories about them growing up together in their chaotic, crowded house. Quinnie and Kiera loved that there were lots of 2nd cousins (my cousins’ kids) to play with. I think Quinnie, especially, was happy to see that her family was much bigger than she’d realized.
the girls with their 2nd cousins Kyra and Jack
Making S’mores at my Uncle Greg and Aunt Diane’s place. Later that night there were hundreds of Fireflies in their backyard. The kids had a great time trying to catch them.
It wouldn’t be a family gathering without Half Moon Pies!
2nd cousins Quinnie and Kyra became fast friends and had lots of fun together.
We went to a fun Farmer’s Market in Clinton’s Town Square..
they had craft projects for kids..
2nd cousin Jack
live music
yummy produce and baked goods from the local Amish community
Quinnie and her 2nd cousin Shawne had a blast hanging out also. Usually boys aren’t very interested in hanging out with girls at this age, but Shawne was very sweet.
The kids got to pet a kid 😉
Kiera with Jack (Shawne’s little brother) and his dog, Gunnar
Biggest hit of the visit? Aunt Marcia and Uncle John’s pool. My two city kids couldn’t quite believe their luck that the place we were staying at had it’s own private backyard pool! They spent hours in it every day. It was especially fun when all the cousins came to visit…
Thank You SO much Marcia and John! You were wonderful hosts and we had SO much fun. The girls still talk about your pool all the time!