And by “lately” I mean the past 18 months, because I am a lazy blogger. Here’s a collection of random pics not used in other posts…
at the Duck Pond (one of their old favorites)
This one is from when we were still living at The Weckschnapp
Had to include this pic because it is so typical of life with kids. Completely random things scattered all over the floor (broom, flashlight, massage cane, colored pencil, tissues, a book, a discarded art project..)
I cannot keep the mirrors in our place clean. Here are pics of our bathroom mirror one day after I cleaned them. For some reason that I don’t understand the girls cannot resist pawing a clean mirror.
They love this book. And I love when books inspire kids to be creative (R).
“Mama! I’m done washing my hair!”
“Mama! Check our our talons!”
Spin Art will always be a favorite. I loved it as a kid also (still do!).
They also love doing these melty bead art projects..
Quinnie’s pretty psyched that she gets to use the iron by herself now..
Kids here are really into exotic erasers. They’re often given out at birthday parties. Here’s a small selection of Quinnie and Kiera’s collection.
She came home from school wearing this on her sweater (a love note from Kiera)..
Kiera loves Quinnie so much. Quinnie is definitely her favorite person in the world.
Kiera forcing Quinnie into a hug (lol)
introducing an American classic to their German friends (Operation)
the iPad is loved by all the kids, and time limits have had to be enforced (much to their dismay)
They remain nature lovers and are always collecting “special” flowers, plants, rocks, sticks, etc.
Poor Quinnie can’t get any peace. Kiera wants to sit next to her even when she’s on the toilet!
If there’s something to climb, it will be climbed!
at the library
I love that they often choose to sleep in the same bed.
I’m so glad they have each other.
Sweet sisters! Love them and can’t wait until July..cute photos❤️
Such pretty little ladies, like their Mama!
Thanks Ary! Hope you and the family are doing well!