The girls looking for sea creatures on the jetty. They spent hours doing this every day.
Papa teaching Kiera how to skip a rock
card games
Spinning Quinnie
Kiera’s turn!
Quinnie and her friends burying Papa. By the way, the Papa of these girls is a childhood friend of Simon’s that he hadn’t seen in over 20 years. Simon randomly ran into him at the beach and our girls really hit it off. They met up most of the rest of the vacation (and had tons of fun!).
Chasing Papa
The girls and I spent hours and hours collecting sea glass.
We brought home quite a collection (along with some interesting rocks from the region)!
These pics crack me up. Happy as a clam (Kiera LOVES riding on Papa’s shoulders. / Gets distracted. Starts knocking off his glasses.
Papa trying to get her off (check out her face!). / Not happening, Papa! Hanging on for dear life 🙂
These were taken at San Lorenzo beach (Simon’s favorite when he was a kid).