As I mentioned before, Quinnie is obsessed with pretty much any kind of animal. She’s like an encyclopedia of knowledge concerning animals and teaches me new things about them every day. She’s always been this way. She has never been interested in baby dolls (same with Kiera). During a play date, when her friends are playing with dolls, she’s playing with her stuffed animals. She even takes the dresses off the dolls and puts them on her animals instead. So when her Tante Ruth and Cousin Maxim asked her to take care of their two Guinea Pigs last month (for a week while they went on vacation), you can imagine her excitement. Over the moon!- to the point that Tante Ruth started calling them Quinnie Pigs! A few pics of Quinnie with Max and Moritz…
Did she terrorize the poor guinea pigs? they were probably glad to get back home..I was remembering last Xmas when Ed and Amy were watching a guinea pig..she was obsessed. Cute photos..Are you going to get her one????